Interview with Dave Zook - Minimizing Taxes While Growing Wealth Utilizing Real Estate

Aug 24, 2022

To wrap up our mini real estate series, we have a special guest on our Podcast to discuss minimizing taxes while growing wealth utilizing real estate. His name is Dave Zook. This is one listen you do not want to miss!

Dave Zook is a successful business owner and an experienced real estate investor active in Multi – Family Apartments, Self-storage and the ATM space.

Dave has acquired more than $100 million worth of real estate since 2010. At the time of this writing, he and his investors own approximately 3000 Multi-family Apartment units.

Together with his business partner, Dave is a renowned and trusted professional resource in the Automatic Teller Machine (ATM) investment market where they have deployed more than $90 million of investor capital and they are heavily invested personally in the ATM space.

As a #1 Best Selling Author and popular guest speaker Dave has shared his knowledge at the International Business conference, The Jason Hartman Real Estate Mastermind, The Wealth Formula Podcast and the Real Estate Guys Radio show.

To find out more about what Dave is doing, click our contact page, submit the form, and we will take care of introducing you to him!




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